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Most Demanding Careers Types of Jobs in Information Technology-[Latest For Students] 2019

Today I am going to share with you the  best career choices in information technology field and jobs in information technology .

I hope you will agree with me when i say that IT is very evolving field in this world
Therefore most demanding Jobs are now removed by latest technologies Like Artificial Intelligence ,Machine Learning etc
Due to evolving in Information Technology field New Technologies are coming in Information technology field and new jobs in information technology is increasing.
IT is the very vast field in the world. 

So the right career and job in the field of IT is a little bit complex task.
Types of Information Tehcnology Jobs

Here are the  7 Different types of information technology jobs and careers

1: Computer Programmers
2: Database Administrator
3: Web Developers
4: Computer Systems Analysts
5: IT Security
6: Network Engineer
7: Cloud architect
8: Mobile Application Developer

These are the major types of information technology jobs that are most in demand jobs in 2018.

Career choices in the information technology field are the very hard task. Because every year IT field is changing. New technologies are coming and its creating new jobs and careers in IT.

Here are the different types of information technology jobs that are most popular

1: Computer Programmers

Career as a computer programmer is a very best choice for IT graduates.Computer
programmers are the mastermind of every software which we used.Computer programmers write the code test the code and solve the real-life problems by coding.

From simple games to advanced businesses software and operating systems that all are made by computers programmers therefore computers programmers are the very genius and brilliant brains of the world.

If you want to become the computer programmer you should have a grip on at least one programming language give full attention to details, logical thinker and can work within a team

For Computer Programmer,s typically qualification is computer graduate from college or related education. But nowadays it,s not compulsory. You can become a good computer programmer by taking online courses and yourself.

Computers programmers  avg salary per Annam in 2018 is $85000 in the US 

2: Database Administrators

Databases administrators are the persons who,s are responsible for administering the databases which are running live or in production.DBA manages the company data using database management systems.
Other duties are to protect the databases organizes the data and make ensure related users can access the database easily

Qualification For Database Administrators

Bachelors Degree in Computer science or IT or Equivalent Education or Professional Certification like Oracle DBA certified

Database Administrator Salary 2018-2019

DBA administrator  per Annam Average salary in the US is $87550

3: Web Developers

Web developers are the persons who are creating the worldwide websites online. Web developers are the persons who create the web-based apps that can access any person in the world who has Internet and computers. Web developers are responsible for the security of the apps that are online.

Nowadays web developers are also known as intern engineers, web producers

Qualification For Web Developers

Bachelors Degree in Computer science or IT or Equivalent Education or  Certification in web development from the well-reputed organization.

Nowadays anyone can become web apps developers without going to any college or university.

Many online platforms provide the web development training for everyone.

Nowadays Google also hires the persons who have technical knowledge of development even they are not graduate from any university

Web Developers Salaries in 2018

Web developers salaries are varying from city to city or country to country but the average salary for Front-end developer in Us is approx $78500 and for full stack developer, salary is approx $87000

4: Computer Systems Analysts

Computer system analysts are the persons who are researchers and multitasks in the company. It analyzes the systems of the company and gives a recommendation for system development and systems upgrading and other things to improve the operations of the company very efficiently.
Computer analysts tell the best suitable solutions of the problems and its costs that the company needs. 

Qualification for Computer System Analysts

Bachelor's Degree in Computer science or IT or Equivalent Education

Salaries For Computer System Analysts

Computer System Analyst  per Annum Average salary in the US is $88250

5: IT Security

IT security is the very growing field in the information technology sector. The main Responsibilities of IT security person is the safe company,s data or software from malicious digital attacks.IT security also includes the running antivirus of systems, find security problems, upgrading systems, informed the security risks to companies.

6: Network Engineer

Network Engineer is responsible for handling WAN and LAN area networks. They are setting up networks to administer the networks, updating or upgrading the local and wide area networks for an organization. They also responsible for security, storage and recovery of the networks. They troubleshoot issues with gateways and routers

7: Cloud Architecture

Cloud computing is a very growing field. More and more organizations are storing their data in the cloud. Cloud architects structure this virtual space. It’s one of the most highly paid IT jobs in existence right now.

8: Mobile Application Developer

A mobile Application developer is responsible for developing the mobile applications. Mobile applications are the most demanded jobs in 2018. Mobile application developer develops the user interface of the mobile app as well write the back-end code for mobile application

These are the different types of Information Technology jobs and career in 2018. I Hope now you will easily select your job and career in IT field easily

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