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4 Most Important and basic uses of computer in education 2018-2019

Uses of the computer in education are by following ways

  1.  Computer-based training (CBT)
  2.  Computer-aided learning (CAL)
  3.  Online education
  4.  Research
uses of computer in Education

After Reading you will easily understand the uses of computer in education 2018-2019

A computer is a machine that can store huge amount of data, process these data and provide information in a better way. We can use the computer in different fields to improve the work quality and improve our time so we can do most productive works.

What is Information Technology

The Magic of Computer is its Fast Speed of Data Processing

In Education, we can use the computer in different ways to improve the quality of the Education.
The computer can be used to improve the teaching process. the computer can be used to improve the learning process.

 Now a day’s computer is a basic need in education. The computer is the quick communication bridge between students’ teachers and parents

We can use the computer in education in the following ways

1: Computer-based training (CBT)

It is the computer-based training which is given by the computer. This training is consisting of text graphics and sound. Training is recorded in audio-video format. CBT training cost is very low because this training is only for educating the peoples. By CBT you can train hundreds of peoples at one time with no physical presence.

Advantages of Computer Based Training (CBT)

Any People can learn any skill at any time according to your potential.
Any People can get knowledge at any time when he wants
CBT Training reduced the time. Because Physical Training gives a lot of time
CBT Training consists of Graphics text audio and video, therefore, it’s easier for anyone to learn any topic sitting at any location
CBT Reduced the planning and timing problems
CBT is the very cost-effective way to learn hundreds of students at any time at any place

2: Computer-aided learning

CAL (Computer-aided Learning) is the process of using IT to help to teach and it increases the learning process. Use of CAL reduces the time which is used in preparing the teaching material by hand. CAL reduces the time of manual research and load of teaching. In CAL use of projector’s and multimedia devices enhances the quality of teaching. CAL also helped the teachers to learn different processes of teaching

3: Online Education

Nowadays a lot of websites provide online Education. Any people can read books online or download the books. Students can watch video tutorials to learn anything without going to anywhere physically.
Students can ask any question and discuss any problems by live audio or text chat to the instructor or by sending email to instructor email address.

4: Research

Computer is also used for research work. The Internet is the biggest online platform where you can find huge information related to any topic. Students can do a research on the internet on any topic which is related to his study. Researchers share his researches online on the internet which is gold for students

Final Words

 Now a day’s computer is the core part of our daily life. From Education to social life everywhere is the computer. Therefore, we must have the knowledge of how we can use computer in education.


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